Adding & Editing Events


Add Events

Using the calendar
  1. Click a day or time on the calendar
  2. In the popup fill out the event details
  3. Selecting a child or staff member will associate that event with that person.
  4. Click Save
Using Quick Add
  1. Select the Child or Staff member you want the event associated with. If it’s just for you child care, leave this blank.
  2. Select the event you want to add
  3. Click the day on the calendar you want to add it to.

Edit Events

  1. Click on the event you need to edit
  2. Make the appropriate changes
  3. Click save

Please note, some events are generated by KidKeeper, such as birthdays. You cannot edit these events.d

You can also edit events by clicking on them and dragging them to the correct day or time on the calendar.

Clicking on the end of the event you can drag the length of the event to change the duration.

Delete Events

  1. Click on the event you want to delete
  2. Click the trash on the event.

Quick Add

Quick add is great for events you add all the time, such as vacations or holidays. You can add any type of event you want

Adding Items
  1. Click the plus icon to add a new type of quick event.
  2. Give the item a name
  3. Clicking some where else on the screen will save the name.
Deleting Items
  1. Click the trash icon next to the item you want to delete

Deleting items will not delete any events you have already created using the item.